The metro provides an intriguing location to observe the social landscape of urban regions around the globe. For the past eight years, Stan Raucher has spent countless hours photographing on metro systems in over a dozen cities on four continents including New York, San Francisco, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Paris, London, Rome, Vienna, Shanghai, Delhi, and more!
His candid photos of ordinary people interacting with one another and their surroundings reveal an intimate glimpse into a variety of human emotions and interactions. These evocative, richly-layered images are like still photographs from a movie or play, and each of the scenes invites the viewer to evaluate the situation and then to generate a unique personal narrative.
At a time when fewer of the images that we see on a routine basis are honest representations of real life, these photographs open a window to the world that actually surrounds us here and now.
"Images are not seen but lived. They are not just vision but the cosmos itself as it expands and amplifies from the minute to the magnified." Gaston Bachelard, The Poerics of Space
Awesome work with great shots of reality!
I like the Parisian Métro since I'm using it every day. Looking at people while you are on your journey is funny. Best way to learn about people habits, when they think nobody is watching, or to learn about a new culture when you are a tourist. I like to be lost, alone in my thoughts, while being surrounding by tonnes of humain beings at the same time. And the smell. LOL!
And Stan Raucher was able to wonderfully pictured the life in the metro through his lense. A common language in all the cities you visit. People laugh, eat, pray, read, avoid eyes contacts, listen to music, tell you their life, kiss, smile at their phone, frown while reading the map.
Marlaine Glicksman says: "For some, the metro is a temporary temple to pore over prayer books, a haven to convene with God. For others, it’s a mobile home, a place to sleep and to store a week’s worth of stuff and smells while on the way to God knows where."
And the pictures show these differents emotions. It's a touching testimony to reality, simple daily routine that speak volume.
The photographer must really like people to capture their souls so easily.
Nice photos book.
*Arc provided by Edelweiss
I received this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.