In games that are as perilous as they are passionate, everyone plays for keeps.
When Fiona McFee first meets the straight-laced deputy Jacob Grey, he is naked and bound in a field of foxtails. A con man’s daughter through and through, Fiona leaves him there as he swears to never forget her. True to his word, Jacob tracks Fiona to Chicago years later, and he has an offer for her that she can’t refuse: A full pardon for her and her father in exchange for her help in catching a counterfeiter. All she must do is pose as a wealthy British widow and play poker on a tourist train heading West.

With her freedom at stake, as well as another chance to outwit Jacob, Fiona must perfect her poker face as she gambles for the fate of her future. But neither she, nor Jacob, can ignore the undeniable attraction between them, and as the stakes of their deadly game soar to new heights, the thin line between inevitable danger and unyielding desire begins to blur.
Now both Fiona and Jacob have more to lose than either of them bargained for— their hearts.
When Wild Wild West meets My Fair Lady... It gives a funny romance, tender with spaghetti western and poker games as background...
Personally, I fell under the spell of two spinsters: Alma and Amelia. Despite being over 70 years old, they are cool, naughty and always at the forefront of action. I loved to see them play with dynamite ...

I admit that the hero, Jacob, has not really charmed me. He has a stick stuff in this...(you see the picture, don't you?) and he's annoying by always playing by the rules.
He lacks of openness and communication skill. The way he hurts Fiona, by not treating her like a lady, made me want to slap him through my book...
Of course, at the end, I easily pardoned his behaviour...
Great read to relax and unwind with a smile.
From Alma: "But he's spent so much time hiding behind a badge and a gun, I'm surprised he knows what to do with a woman."
From Fiona: "But can a pardon erase what has passed?"
Traduction du synopsis
Dans des jeux aussi périlleux que passionnés, tout le monde joue pour gagner.
Lorsque Fiona McFee rencontre pour la première fois le très sérieux shérif, Jacob Grey, il est nu et ligoté dans un champ de mauvaises herbes. Fille d'un escroc, Fiona le laisse dans la panade et il jure de ne jamais l'oublier.

Tout ce qu'elle doit faire est de se faire passer pour une riche veuve anglaise et jouer au poker dans un train touristique l'amenant vers l'ouest.
Avec sa liberté en jeu, ainsi qu'une autre chance de se montrer plus maline que Jacob, Fiona doit parfaire son visage de joueur de poker, alors qu'elle parie sur le sort de son avenir.
Mais ni elle, ni Jacob, ne peuvent ignorer l'attrait indéniable qui existe entre eux. Et quand les enjeux de leur plan mortel s'envolent vers de nouveaux sommets, la fine ligne entre danger inévitable et désir commence à s'estomper.
Maintenant, Fiona et Jacob ont plus à perdre que prévu...ils pourraient perdre leurs cœurs.
Quand Wild Wild West rencontre My Fair Lady, cela donne une romance drôle, tendre sur fond de western et de poker...
Cette romance est agréable et elle se laisse lire facilement avec un sourire aux lèvres tant il y a des personnages attachants et amusants.
Personnellement, je suis tombée sous le charme des deux vieilles filles: Alma et Amelia. Malgré leurs 70 ans, elles sont fraîches, coquines et toujours à la pointe de l'action. J'ai adoré les voir jouer avec de la dynamite...

Mais à la fin, son comportement change et le conte de fées peut opérer...
Une lecture légère pour se détendre et décompresser un sourire aux lèvres.
*Arc provided by Netgalley. I received this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.
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