The only person poetry-loving Cali Monroe hates more than herself is Logan Waters, the geeky kid who lives in the dorm building next to hers.
Ever since Cali's parents told her she would amount to nothing, she has felt entirely inadequate. Friendless and alone, she takes on the mean girl role in hopes it will make her feel better--and Logan serves as the perfect target. He infuriates her with his obnoxiously long lashes, his all too perfect dimpled smile, and his complete lack of personality outside of his intelligence. It doesn't hurt that he's part of the reason her brother is dead, either. So Cali hates him, and he returns the favor. Thus, their prank-filled, insult-driven rivalry is born, and torturing Logan quickly becomes the highlight of her life.
But when Cali's parents set them up on a blind date, she begins to realize Logan might not be as boring as she always thought. He shares her love of poetry, takes a sadistic pleasure in making fun of crepes, and he makes her blush when he calls her smile pretty.
And hey, maybe those long lashes of his aren't that obnoxious after all…
Two Roads is New Adult Romance about finding love, standing out, and learning to embrace who you are. It contains some language and mild sexual content.

Not at all what I expected ...
This novel about suicide and the pain of the loss was a very nice surprise. With such a delicate subject, the story could have been a receipe for disaster. A heavy atmosphere and a touch of too much Patos and it could have turn completely differently.
Here, the author demonstrates subtlety. He also used humor as a weapon to continue to exist despite the pain. He wrapped his serious matter into a sweet, touching and poetic romance.
I really liked the Frost quotes (and the others also!) that punctuate the story.
As for the heros, there is anger in Cali, guilt in Logan. Between them, they have a very special and personal way to express their grief. They insult each others and make some pranks that are sometimes cruel to attract each other attention.
As everyone handles loss differently, the path chosen by the author is perfect for a romance for young adults. Tough and tender at once. It makes you think and has the merit of addressing the theme of suicide.

That is why I liked the keys of poetry and humor scattered through the narrative. They bring a certain lightness while pointing painful unavoidable feelings.
Paradoxically, although I liked the humor and found myself smiling as I enjoy the creativity behind the pranks, they are worthy of the kindergarden playground...Its bothered me. But don't mind this small detail, the story is fun and touching.
A charming romance with a nice working on the emotions associated with the loss.
I am delighted to have discovered this author thanks to this tour...
From Cali: "My hatred for Logan is terrible and refreshing, wonderful and horrible all at once."
From Cali: "We have this strange way of making each other happy by making each other miserable."
From Cali: "Because if someone, just by their existence, can brighten up your whole day, you have to try like hell to keep them in your life."
Traduction du synopsis
La seule personne que l'amatrice de poésie, Cali Monroe, déteste plus qu'elle-même, c'est Logan Waters, le Geek qui vit dans l'appartement à côté du sien.
Depuis que les parents de Cali lui ont dit qu'elle ne serait rien, elle s'est sentie inadéquate. Seule et sans amis, elle endosse le rôle de la fille mauvaise dans l'espoir que cela la fera se sentir mieux - et Logan sert de cible parfaite. Il la rend furieuse avec ses cils odieusement longs, son sourire à fossettes trop parfait et son absence totale de personnalité en dehors de son intelligence. Cela ne fait pas de mal non plus qu'il fasse partie de la raison pour laquelle son frère est mort. Alors, Cali le hait et il lui retourne la faveur.
Mais, lorsque les parents de Cali les piègent dans une blind date, elle commence à réaliser que Logan pourrait ne pas être aussi ennuyeux qu'elle le pensait. Il partage son amour de la poésie, prend un plaisir sadique à se moquer des crêpes, et il la fait rougir quand il lui dit que son sourire est mignon.

Two Roads est une romance pour jeunes adultes sur comment trouver l'amour, se faire remarquer, et d'apprendre à embrasser qui vous êtes.
Contient un langage et un léger contenu sexuel.
Pas du tout ce à quoi je m'attendais...
Ce roman sur le suicide et la douleur, liée à la perte, a été une très belle surprise. Avec un sujet aussi délicat, l'histoire aurait pou être plombée par une ambiance lourde et facilement glisser dans le Patos.
Là, l'auteur à fait preuve de subtilité. Il use aussi d'humour comme arme pour faire exister ses personnages principaux et surmonter la douleur. Il a emballé son sujet sérieux autour d'une romance touchante et poétique. J'ai bien aimé le résultat ainsi que les citations de Frost qui ponctuent l'histoire.

Comme chacun gère la perte de manière différente, la voie choisie par l'auteur est parfaite pour une romance pour jeunes adultes car elle est dure et tendre à la fois. Elle fait réfléchir et a le mérite d'aborder le thème du suicide.

Il est plus facile d'exprimer sa rage que de dire qu'on se sent coupable de vivre, d'être heureux alors que l'autre n'est plus là.
Plus facile d'être méchant quand on souffre que d'admettre qu'on a mal. Plus facile de cacher sa solitude et son manque derrière un masque d'indifférence et de sarcasme.

Paradoxalement, si j'ai aimé l'humour des réparties et que je me suis vue sourire pendant ma lecture, le côté cour de récréation des blagues m'a dérangé dans les répétitions. J'ai trouvé que cela pouvait manquer de maturité et ne pas amener à prendre au sérieux ce joli récit. Un minuscule bémol cependant.
Une charmante romance avec un joli travaille sur les émotions liées à la perte.
Je suis ravie d'avoir pu découvrir cet auteur...
*Arc provided by the author. I received this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.
“Then go to him,” I say quietly, and now I look up to meet her gaze. Her brown eyes are hard and strong, watching me intently.
“Go out with him,” I continue.
“Or don’t. But don’t let him go. Because if someone can be constantly on your mind like that, if they can always make you smile, if they can cheer you up one way or another, then you have to go to them. You have to tell them what they mean to you and then you can go out with them or you can stay friends or you can barely ever talk to them, but you enjoy yourself, you have fun, and then you hold fast to them and never, ever let them go. Because if someone, just by their existence, can brighten up your whole day, you have to try like hell to keep them in your life.”
I take a long breath as soon as the words finish tumbling out of my mouth, a jumble of thoughts and feelings that, for me, couldn’t be more true. I don’t know where they came from other than straight from that goddamn unpredictable heart of mine, and as soon as the words leave my mouth, I know my subconscious has been working on them for a long time.
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