Maddox Cross has always had to be tough. When his father went to jail for murder, the teenager took care of his sister and mother. Now on his own and working security at a night club, Maddox wants to become a tattoo artist-a dream that comes closer to reality when he falls for the hottest, most tatted woman he's ever seen. She's wild and beautiful, and Maddox will do anything to be with her.
Bee Malone came to town to open up her new tattoo parlor, Masquerade. Since being kidnapped as a young girl, Bee has had trouble getting close to anyone. But when she meets Maddox, she sees that under his hard biker's body is the sensitive soul of an artist. What starts out as a sizzling one-night stand soon becomes so much more.
Bee wants Maddox to join her tattoo business, but letting him into her life means revealing all her most intimate secrets. And as the past begins to intertwine with her present, Bee fears their love may not be as permanent as their ink . . .
Different, endearing and touching.
A love story where the two heroes are doing their best not to fall in love and keep their distance. Certainly they agree to have sex but they want nothing with a relationship.
Personally, Maddox and Bee's past are so emotionally charged that it is easy to understand the barriers they have created around their feelings.

A need to control their surrondings that prevent them from sinking too deep.
This suffering, this determination not to let anyone approach them, make the text alive and vibrant.
Guilt to be different and disappoint the people who love them, because they are not able to be as open with their emotions as they would have wish, brings a sad and moving tone to this very touching romance.
I also liked how hard Maddox and Bee were struggling not to fall in love and their very silent manner of communication.
Few words but actions...
The author has done a beautiful story, with battered by life characters who need to keep hope and take risks.
Very moving.
From Bee: "Don't worry. I'm not the type of girl who sleeps with someone and thinks she's destined to be with him forever."
From Bee: "Don't get how people can love someone and want them to be someone different or love them and hurt them."
From Maddox: "Reality. It's not living a lie like so many people we know have done. It's not treating life like a game of charades or living behind any type of façade. Life is fucked up, it hurts, and it's not always pretty, but damned if it can't be beautiful too."
Traduction du synopsis
Maddox Cross a toujours eu à être fort. Quand son père est parti en prison pour meurtre, l'adolescent a pris soin de sa sœur et de sa mère.
Maintenant seul, travaillant à la sécurité d'un club, Maddox veut devenir un artiste tatoueur. Un rêve qui se rapproche de la réalité quand il tombe amoureux de la femme la plus chaude et la plus tatouée qu'il n'ait jamais vu. Elle est belle, sauvage et Maddox fera tout pour être avec elle.

Bee souhaite que Maddox rejoigne son entreprise de tatouage, mais le laisser entrer dans sa vie signifie lui révéler tous ses secrets les plus intimes. Et lorsque le passé commence à s'entrelacer avec son présent, Bee craint que son amour ne soit pas aussi permanent que son encre. . .
Différent, attachant et touchant.
Une histoire d'amour où les deux héros font leur possible pour ne pas tomber amoureux et pour garder leurs distances.
Certes, ils acceptent d'avoir des relations sexuelles mais pas une relation tout court.
Personnellement, les passés de Maddox et Bee sont tellement chargés émotionnellement qu'il est aisé de comprendre les barrières qu'ils ont crée autour de leurs sentiments. Ainsi que le besoin de contrôle les empêchant de sombrer.
Cette souffrance, cette détermination à ne pas laisser quelqu'un s'approcher rendent le texte vivant et vibrant.
La culpabilité d'être différent et de décevoir les gens qui les aiment sans pouvoir être aussi ouverts avec leurs émotions apportent un ton triste et très touchant à cette romance.
J'ai aimé aussi la force avec laquelle Maddox et Bee luttent pour ne pas tomber amoureux ainsi que la manière très silencieuse avec laquelle ils savent communiquer.
L'auteur a réalisé une très belle histoire avec des personnages cabossés par la vie qui ont besoin de garder l'espoir et de prendre des risques.
Très émouvant.
*Arc provided by Netgalley. I received this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.
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