Beckett Taylor is a murderer. His calling, his craft are destruction and intimidation—whether he wants it that way now or not. He left Poughkeepsie to keep his brothers safe, to keep Eve safe. Set up with happy lives to live, they’re better off without him, right?
But all his willpower crumbles when he hears his brother Blake’s frantic voice on the phone. An unknown enemy has moved in on his old territory, and Livia’s been taken. In an instant, Beckett knows it will take an attack only he and Eve can execute to bring her back. All his self-imposed embargoes are torn to shreds, perhaps along with the new man he’s struggled to become.
“Brother, call Eve. I’ll be there soon.”
In this emotional and action-packed sequel to Poughkeepsie, Debra Anastasia conjures a tale of love at its most raw and ragged. With Beckett and Eve, how could we expect anything less? But even when it’s messy, not magical, true love perseveres. Real love finds a way—for better or for worse until death does part.
"Absolutely stunning" is what I thought of "Poughkeepsie", the first book of this series written by Debra Anastasia. I used some Kleenex. Laughed. Grabbed the book, with my heart beating like crazy, as the suspense and the fighting had been too intense.
In short, it was f**king amazing!
So, learning that there was a sequel...I was dying to get my hands on it as much as I dreaded the outcome. Because when the first opus offers you an incredibly journey, overwhelming by beauty and darkness... The challenge is sure to be difficult to overcome.
Well, I must admit that if I have not been so overwhelmed by my emotions, I was, again, incredibly surprised by the imagination of the author. And I can assure you that my fingers are still cramping since I've grabbed my computer so fucking tight while I was reading the PDF!!!
Now, I need the paperback to put it on my shelves!
Insults are a delight of inventiveness and the narrative is flamboyant as the personality of Debra Anastasia. The reader can not get bored as the story really dazzled you by its intensity.
Sure, the romance between Beckett and Eve is less a sweet fairy tale than Blake and Livia's story. But their love is so strong in its loyalty, its possessiveness and its blackness that is sublime to look blossoming in front of our eyes.
The words chosen are raw and tough as they describe the perfection of the emotions of this pair of killers.
Beyond this atypical love story, the author also addresses the difficulty of conceiving a child and help him grow as a parent. Doubts, fears and anxieties that accompany its tasks.
She also shows you that in the darkness of some souls, some abus this chance and fuck up lives.

Through couples like Blake / Livia, Cole / Kyle and Beckett / Eve, we understand that blood ties are not necessarily the strongest. It is the choice of the people composing your true family that is important. The choice of people you love regardless of their flaws, actions.
Through secondary characters like Ryan, Dr Hartt and John McHugh, we realize the importance of family and the luggage it can force us to take. It can push you to revenge, to create links with criminals, save lives and to close your eyes to protect the people you love, to relieve their pains.
Family is a strange word full of meanings and responsabilities.
With criminals that make up this story, the reader also see: honor, messes and the darkness of their lives that does not prevent them from having morals or feelings, even if it differs from the norm.
A terrible ugly dog saved from certain death by a bloodthirsty killer. Prostitutes, on their knees, busy working while mafia bosses organize, with full weapons, to invade a territory.
Diapers waiting to be changed, battered women and women loved, this is the incredible mixture that will come to life before your eyes
A bloody fairy tale, with more deadly vilains than good fairies! A realistic and contemporary tale packed with humor and lot of proof of love.
From Livia: "I whish I could pu into words the part of my heart that has your name written on it."
From Beckett: "I would've given my left nut to be raised by a man like you."
From Beckett: "Motherfucker. You've got a tight grip. Must have been all those years of masturbating. You've got Voldemort's handshake, baby."
From Cole: "You're building a wall, and only you fit behind it."
From Beckett: "I love you, Eve. You're the only heart I have."

Beckett Taylor est un meurtrier. Sa vocation, son métier sont la destruction et l'intimidation - qu'il le veuille maintenant ou pas. Il a quitté Poughkeepsie pour garder ses frères à l'abri, pour garder Eve en sécurité.
Installés avec des vies heureuses à vivre, ils sont mieux sans lui, pas vrai ?

Mais toute sa bonne volonté s’effondre quand il entend la voix frénétique de son frère Blake au téléphone.
Un ennemi inconnu a emménagé sur son ancien territoire, et Livia a été kidnappée.
En un instant, Beckett sait qu'il faudra une attaque que seul lui et Eve peuvent exécuter pour la ramener. Tous ses embargos auto-imposés sont déchirés en lambeaux, peut-être avec l'homme neuf qu'il a du mal à devenir.
«Mon frère, appelle Eve. Je serai bientôt là."
Dans cette suite plein d'états d'âmes, bourrée d'actions située à Poughkeepsie, Debra Anastasia évoque une histoire d'amour à son état le plus brut et décousu.
Avec Beckett et Eve, comment pourrions-nous nous attendre à quelque chose d'autre ?
Mais même quand c'est le bordel, sans magie, le véritable amour persévère. L'amour vrai trouve toujours un moyen pour le meilleur ou pour le pire jusqu'à ce que la mort les sépare.
"Absolument renversant!", voilà ce que j'avais pensé de "Poughkeepsie", le premier tome écrit par Debra Anastasia.
J'avais usé des kleenex, ri, agrippé le livre avec le coeur qui battait tant le suspense et les combats avaient été intenses.
Bref, en apprenant qu'il y avait une suite, je mourrais d'envie de mettre ma main dessus autant que j'appréhendais le résultat.
Car quand le premier vous offre un voyage aussi incroyablement bouleversant de beauté et de noirceur...
Le challenge s’annonçait difficile à relever.

Et bien, je dois avouer que si je n'ai pas été autant submergée par mes émotions, j'ai été, une nouvelle fois, incroyablement surprise par l'imagination de l'auteur.
Les insultes sont un délice d'inventivité et rendent le récit haut en couleur à l'image de la personnalité de Debra Anastasia.
Le lecteur ne peut pas s'ennuyer tant il en prend plein la vue.
Certes, la romance entre Beckett et Eve est moins sur le thème du conte de fées que celle de Blake et Livia. Mais leur amour est si puissant dans sa loyauté, dans sa possessivité et dans sa noirceur que c'est sublime regarder devant nos yeux.
Les mots choisis sont aussi âpres que leur amour et ils décrivent à la perfection ce couple de tueurs.
L'auteur s'intéresse aussi à la difficulté de concevoir un enfant, d'être parent. Aux doutes, aux peurs et aux angoisses qui accompagnent ces tâches.
Au travers des couples Blake/Livia, Cole/Kyle et Beckett/Eve, on comprend que les liens de sang ne sont pas forcément les plus forts.
C'est le choix des gens qui composent une famille qui est important. Le choix de personnes que l'on aimera peu importe leurs actions.
Au travers des personnages secondaires comme Ryan, Dr Hartt et John McHugh, on se rend compte de l'importance de la famille et des bagages qu'elle nous force à emmener avec nous.
Elle peut vous pousser à la vengeance, à créer des liens avec des criminels, sauver des vies et à fermer les yeux pour protéger les gens que l'on aime, pour soulager des peines.

Avec les criminels qui composent ce récit, on voit aussi l'honneur, l'argent et la noirceur de leur quotidien qui ne les empêchent pas d'avoir une morale, ni des sentiments même si cela diffère de la norme.
Un chien affreux sauvé d'une mort certaine par un tueur sanguinaire. Des prostitués à quatre pattes occupées à travailler pendant que des mafieux planifient, armes aux poings, d'envahir un territoire.
Des couches de bébés à changer, des femmes battues et des femmes aimées, voilà le mélange invraisemblable qui va prend vie sous vos yeux
Un conte de fées sanguinolant, avec plus de meurtriers que de bonnes fées d'un réalisme contemporain bourrée d'humour et de preuves d'amour.
Debra Anastasia is busy, just like every other mom. There's dinner, the dogs, the two kids, the two kids, and her ongoing battle with...ahem... digestive issues, which combined with her adolescent boy sense of humor makes for colorful and sometimes cringe-worthy social media updates. Her first love and crowning achievement is her thriving career as the weirdest mom on the block.

She's eternally grateful to Omnific Publishing, which has now published four of her books: two in the Seraphim Series and two in the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood Series, as well as her novella, Late Night with Andres. That one is special because 100% of the proceeds go to breast cancer research. (So go get it right now, please!)
She also very much appreciates her open-minded readers, who embrace everything she has to offer, with a focus on anti-heroes and bathroom humor.
Debra lives in Maryland with her family.
You can find her at DebraAnastasia.com and on Twitter @Debra_Anastasia.
But be prepared...
Buy it at Amazon.com; Barnes and Noble
*Arc provided by the author. I received this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.
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This is so gorgeous. You have amazing talent at combining pictures with the book! Thank you. XO
ReplyDeleteThanks Debra!