Tyra Masters has had enough drama to last a lifetime. Now, she's back on track and looking forward to her new, quiet life. Until she meets the man of her dreams. The tattooed, muscled biker plies her with tequila-and the best sex of her life. She knows it isn't the tequila and hot sex talking. He's the kind of man she's always wanted. Unfortunately, he's also her new boss . . .
Kane "Tack" Allen has a rule. He doesn't employ someone he's slept with. So when he learns he spent last night in bed with his new office manager, he quickly fires Tyra. Yet when Tyra stands up to him and fights for her job, Tack is intrigued. He tells her she can keep her job on one condition: no more sex. Ever. But as things heat up between them, Tack finds that he'll be the one breaking all the rules...
Intense, addictive and surprising.
My first novel by Kristen Ashley and I immediately immersed myself in this amazing story.
What I particularly appreciated? The many twists that do not give time to get bored. While the reader is embedded in Tyra's life, he witnesses how her encounter with Tack colors her daily routine and modifies her life forever.
The attraction experienced between the two heroes, their passionate personalities that put some sparks into their life and Tack's secrets...

And I have not talked about all the dominant Alphas, whose Cro-Magnon's behaviors amused me as much as it shocked me. A lot of times, I remained speechless with indignation. So, I felt a lot of sympathy for Tyra and totally understood her cravings to slam doors... as Tack is unbeliveable and incredible too!
Only downside: no need to punctuate every sentence with "Fuck" ... Because after a while, it made me want to scream!
At any rate, I laughed with the delicious and frustrating interactions between Tyra and Tack and enjoyed the lively and strong secondary characters that bring dynamism to the story. Not to mention Tack's clan and Tyra's girlfriends that makes you want to be part of their adventures.
No kidding, I have rarely seen a story so full of elements that seem plausible, fully connected with everyday life of a couple mixed with improbable side scenes and situations. It is this blend very well created by the author, who made me fall in love with her writing.
Now, I want to read other novels of this series with which I had a good time with different emotions. I'm not remain insensitive and I love that kind of feeling given by an author and its works.
Great feelings!
Beautiful story that captivated me.
From Tyra: "Well, once a gift is given, no matter how you feel about the person giving it, it's yours."
From Tack: "Life's a roller coaster. Best damn ride in the park. You don't close your eyes, hold on and wait for it to be over, babe. You keep your eyes open, lift your hands straight up in the air and enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts."
From Tyra: "I like everything about you, honey. Everything. Lived in black and white seems like all my life. Never noticed. Not until you colored my world."
"From Tyra: "You've only lived through one period with me," I pointed out, and his brows drew together.
From Tack: "Say again?"
From Tyra: "I can be hell on wheels when I'm PMS'ing," I shared."
Traduction du synopsis
Tyra Masters a connu assez de drames pour durer toute une vie. Maintenant, elle est de retour sur la bonne voie et a hâte de démarrer sa nouvelle vie tranquille.
Jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre l'homme de ses rêves.
Le motard, tatoué et musclé la séduit avec de la tequila et le meilleur sexe de sa vie. Elle sait que ce n'est pas la tequila et le sexe torride qui parlent. Il est le genre d'homme qu'elle a toujours voulu. Malheureusement, il est aussi son nouveau patron. . .
Kane "Tack" Allen a une règle. Il n'emploie pas quelqu'un avec qui il a couché. Alors, quand il apprend qu'il a passé la nuit avec sa nouvelle responsable administrative, il vire rapidement Tyra. Pourtant, lorsque Tyra lui tient tête et se bat pour son travail, Tack est intrigué. Il lui dit qu'elle peut garder son emploi à une condition: plus de sexe. Jamais.
Mais alors que les choses s'intensifient entre eux, Tack constate qu'il sera celui qui brisera les règles ...
Intense, prenant et surprenant.
Mon premier roman par Kristen Ashley et je suis immédiatement plongée dans l'histoire.

Certes, le lecteur est embarqué dans la vie de Tyra mais sa rencontre avec Tack modifie tellement son quotidien que je ne me suis pas ennuyée.
Entre l'attraction que les deux héros ressentent, leurs personnalités passionnées qui font des étincelles et le mode de vie et les secrets de Tack, il y en a pour tous les goûts.
Passion, sexe, amitié, code d'honneur, mafia, meurtre, enlèvement, soirée romantique, scènes de ménage, jalousie, hystérie, bagarre et motos...
Et je n'ai pas encore parlé de tous les Alphas dominants dont le comportement d'hommes de Cro-Magnon m'a amusé autant qu'il m'a choqué. Je suis restée bouché bée d'indignation et ai compati aux envies de claquer les portes de la jeune femme tant Tack est incroyable...
Seul bémol: pas besoin de ponctuer toutes les phrases par "Fuck"...Car au bout d'un moment, ça fatigue !
En tous les cas, j'ai ri des interactions entre Tyra et Tack et apprécié les personnages secondaires vivants, avec des caractères forts, qui amènent du dynamisme à l'histoire.
Sans parler que le côté "clan" des hommes de Tack ou des amies de Tyra donne envie de faire partie de l'aventure.

C'est ce mélange, très bien dosé par l'auteur, qui m'a fait tomber sous le charme de son écriture.
ça m'a donné envie de lire d'autres romans de sa série tant j'ai passé un bon moment avec différentes émotions.
Je ne suis donc pas restée insensible et j'aime ce genre de sentiment dans un livre.
Très belle histoire qui m'a captivé.
*Arc provided by Netgalley. I received this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.
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