Thursday, December 8, 2011



Zachary Bronson has built an empire of wealth and power -- now he needed a wife to help secure his position in society...and warm his bed in private.But not just any woman will do for a man whom all of London knows is not a gentleman. Then he unexpectedly swept Lady Holly Taylor into his arms for an unasked for -- but very alluring -- kiss, and suddenly he knew he had found a woman whose fierce passions matched his own.

Lady Holly Taylor was beautiful, generous, and, as a widow, destined to spend her life playing by society's rules, even when they went against her bolder instincts. But Zachary's kiss had aroused her, and though the shocking offer he made didn't include marriage, she was compelled to risk everything and follow him to the place where dreams begin

Holly just leaves from her three-year period of mourning after the death of her husband and finds herself embraced by a stranger who is mistaken about her identity. Overnight, the comfort of her daily life is turned upside down by this man. Hired to be his manners advisor, Holly finds herself taken aback by the provocative attitude and the whole personality of Zachary, but she did not admit defeat, however. Holly looks forward to make him a respectable man even if she has to leave her heart on the way.

When I am sick, I'm often grumpy and frustrated that the illness does not pass quickly enough. So, I tend to watch or read chick lit' to relax. This time, I dive into the world of Zachary and Holly told by Lisa Kleypas.

I spent a good part of my reading with a silly grin pasted on my face. A smile due to the male character: a somewhat perverse, upstart man who is trying to make a young widow to react by shocking her...Of course, in the process he fell in love. In turn, provocative, tyrannical, domineering but also tender, passionate, masculine, it is a feast for the imagination.

Holly is not pure either. I found her wits, her calm and her openness to face provocations and unbelievable teasing from her employer, admirable and fun. Also I've delight myself by being the witness of the exchange between the two protagonists. The author has a knack for making the reader carry as a spectator of the accomplices, sensual, gays or painful moments of the heroes of her book. I also could not close this novel after having started. I was engrossed in it!
Obviously, there is a Happy Ending at the end as in all romances but before reaching it, the two heroes had to fight to achieve it.

That's what makes the charm of the adventure recounted by Lisa Kleypas: nothing ever happens on a tray. In short, I still have a great time in the company of characters invented by Kleypas.


From Zachary: « Don't underestimate your abilities, my lady. I've never met anyone with such a knack for telling me what to do. »

From Holly: “Love, family, friendship…those are the things that matter. And they most definitely cannot be purchased.”

From Holly: “No one is able to check his morals at the door like a hat, and pick them up when he leaves.”

From Zachary: "Inexplicably Holly worked on him like a drug, exciting and sweet, and like a drug, her absence left him with emptiness and craving."

From Zachary: "For the first time in his life, he was beginning to recognize that true passion was not easily satisfied, that there was a difference between the needs of his cock and the organ that resided two feet above it. It was not a welcome discovery."

From Zachary: “I don't hold hands with other men,” Zachary said. “And that little frog-eater looked like he was going to enjoy it.”

From Zachary: “But my lady, I would fight the world for you.”

From Zachary: “What we just shared, Holly…I don't know if it was a communion of souls, but it was the damn closest I'm ever going to get.”

From Holly: “I've finally realized that there is something worse than possibly losing you…and that is never having you at all.”

From Zachary: “I've been searching for you my entire life,” he said seriously. “You're the only one I want, now and forever.


Soudain, Holly n'en peut plus. Le bourdonnement des conversations oiseuses, l'éclat aveuglant des lustres, l'odeur entêtante des somptueux bouquets de fleurs, tout cela est insupportable. Accepter cette invitation était une erreur... Depuis la mort de son mari, emporté par la fièvre typhoïde, lady Taylor a vécu en recluse. Ce bal chez les Bellemont, sa première sortie depuis trois ans, met cruellement en évidence sa solitude. De la pénombre du petit salon où Holly s'est réfugiée émerge tout à coup une haute silhouette masculine. - Vous avez mis bien du temps pour venir, milady, chuchote une voix profonde et ensorcelante.
Et sans lui laisser le temps de protester, la bouche de l'inconnu s'écrase sur la sienne, en un baiser à la fois tendre et voluptueux. Submergée par un déluge de sensations qu'elle croyait avoir oubliées, Holly s'abandonne contre ce torse viril...
Holly sort de sa période de deuil trois ans après la mort de son mari et se retrouve embrassée par un inconnu qui se méprend sur son identité. Du jour au lendemain, le confort de son quotidien est bouleversé par cet homme. Engagée pour être sa conseillère en bonnes manières, Holly se retrouve désarçonnée par l'attitude provocatrice et la personnalité de Zachary
ais elle ne s'avoue pas vaincue pour autant. Holly compte bien faire de lui un homme respectable même si elle doit y laisser son cœur en chemin.
Lorsque je suis malade, je suis assez souvent grognon et frustrée que la crève ne passe pas assez vite. Du coup, j'ai tendance à regarder ou lire des trucs de filles pour me relaxer. Cette fois, je me suis plongée dans l'univers de Zachary et Holly raconté par Lisa Kleypas.
J'ai passé une bonne partie de ma lecture avec un sourire niais collé sur le visage. Un sourire provenant du personnage masculin, un arriviste un peu pervers qui tente de faire réagir et de choquer la veuve dont il s'est amouraché. Tour à tour, provocateur, tyrannique, dominateur mais aussi tendre, passionné, masculin, il est un régal pour l'imagination
Holly n'est pas en reste. J'ai trouvé ses répartis, son calme et son ouverture d'esprit incroyables face aux provocations et taquineries de son employeur. Un vrai bonheur aussi que d'assister aux échanges entre les deux protagonistes.

L'auteur a le don de vous transporter en faisant du lecteur un spectateur des moments complices, sensuels, gais ou douloureux des héros de son livre. Je n'ai d'ailleurs pas pu poser ce roman après l'avoir démarré.

Évidement, il y a un « Happy Ending » à la fin comme dans toutes les romances mais avant d'y parvenir les deux héros ont dû batailler pour l'atteindre.

C'est ce qui fait le charme des aventures relatées par Lisa Kleypas: rien n'arrive jamais sur un plateau. Bref, j'ai encore passé un bon moment en compagnie des personnages inventés par Kleypas.

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